TOSTA! RUKKIRÖST viil 390Gr (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086008311 – + pcs 0,86€Per kilogram: 2.21 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 7
PIPARKOOGIGLASUUR (sinine) 90g EESTI PAGARSKU: 4740086016415 – + pcs 0,95€* VAT will be added to the price
EUROPAGAR KOHUPIIMA-KIRSI PÄRG 500GrSKU: 4740507005806 – + pcs 5,53€Per kilogram: 11.06 €* VAT will be added to the price
KODUKANDI RUKKILEIB viil 0.8 (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086001480 – + pcs 1,30€Per kilogram: 1.63 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 7
KANEELI PULBER pakk 400GRSKU: 0202513 – + pcs 5,30€Per kilogram: 10.60 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 6
TORT KIRSI-TOORJUUSTU 930GR (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086027169 – + pcs 9,05€* VAT will be added to the price