TORT TRÜHVLI 550Gr (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086020962 – + pcs 6,80€Per kilogram: 12.36 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 2
APELSINI-SOKOLAADIKEEKS 300GR (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086020580 – + pcs 1,45€Per kilogram: 4.83 €* VAT will be added to the price
TORT KIRSI-MANDLI 430GR (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086022782 – + pcs 4,90€* VAT will be added to the price
SKjae KIRSI KOHUPIIMASAJAKE 320GSKU: 4740086018471Special order: long delivery time 1 – + pcs 2,50€Per kilogram: 7.81 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 10
EUROPAGAR MOONISUDA 200GSKU: 4740507007312 – + pcs 1,17€Per kilogram: 5.85 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 1
NARVA PEENLEIB 310Gr (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086011069 – + pcs 0,60€Per kilogram: 1.94 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 12
EUROPAGAR ROSINAKEEKS 350GrSKU: 4740507003963 – + pcs 2,96€Per kilogram: 8.46 €* VAT will be added to the price
SKjae JUUSTURULL (pakk 8tk) 400Gr (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086014978Special order: long delivery time 1 – + pcs 2,11€Per kilogram: 5.28 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 10