BELGIA VAHVEL 100G (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086019119 – + pcs 0,68€Per kilogram: 6.80 €* VAT will be added to the price
PERENAISE SAI viil SUUR 0.500 (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086008526 – + pcs 0,83€Per kilogram: 1.66 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 6
FAZER MUST VORMILEIB 300GrSKU: 4740103020210 – + pcs 0,90€Per kilogram: 3.00 €* VAT will be added to the price
PRANTSUSE KOHUPIIMAKOOK 320Gr (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086008014 – + pcs 2,15€Per kilogram: 6.72 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 9
LEIB PÄRNU 600Gr viil.(EESTI LEIVATÖÖSTUS)SKU: 4740064015355 – + pcs 1,04€Per kilogram: 1.73 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 8
KULDNE KL.RÕSTSAI viil 250Gr väike (LEIBUR)SKU: 4740072254050 – + pcs 0,82€Per kilogram: 3.28 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 10
GRUUSIA RAHVUSLEIB PURI 330Gr (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086013001 – + pcs 0,84€Per kilogram: 2.55 €* VAT will be added to the price
EUROPAGAR KRINGEL (koh.kirss shok) 2.5kgSKU: 3056 – + pcs 15,95€Per kilogram: 6.38 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 1