KRÄSUPEA kook 320Gr (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086013698 – + pcs 2,10€Per kilogram: 6.56 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 9
TORT VIRMALINE 0.600 Kg (EESTI LEIVATÖÖSTUS)SKU: 4740064506587 – + pcs 6,50€Per kilogram: 10.83 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 2
SKjea PEALINNAKOOK 2.2 KGSKU: 474086012387 – + pcs 11,80€* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 3
VAHVLITORT OTLOMI 250GRSKU: 4600648573858Out of stock 28.02.25 – + pcs 3,15€* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 6
VAHVLITORT MISHKA KOSOLAPÕI 250GSKU: 4607135892317Out of stock 28.02.25 – + pcs 2,52€* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 6
RÕNGLID MOONI 350Gr (ELTRUM)SKU: 4742371000758Special order: long delivery time 1 – + pcs 1,21€Per kilogram: 3.46 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 7
LEIBURI RÖST RUKKIJAHUST viil 550GrSKU: 4740072252759 – + pcs 1,20€* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 7
KIRSI-BRITTA KOOK 300GR (EESTI PAGAR)SKU: 4740086025417 – + pcs 3,13€Per kilogram: 8.94 €* VAT will be added to the priceItems in the package: 9